Downtown Dentist have built a strong reputation in and around Houston for providing excellent dental care. This includes restorative dentistry treatments that rebuild tooth structure and gum tissue and cosmetic dentistry procedures that bring out the very best in a person’s smile. Good dental care does get down to the basics, however, and that means routine checkups twice a year.

Dental checkups are as essential to overall oral health as brushing and flossing. By visiting a dentist, you’re keeping cavities, gum disease, and many other serious problems at bay.

Here are just five important reasons why you should visit your dentist twice a year as scheduled.

Reason #1 – Advanced Dental Diagnostics

Your dentist will be able to use the latest technology to check out the internal structures of your teeth, gums, jaw joints, and bone structure. This isn’t something you can do at home. X-rays, digital scans, and other tools will be used to make sure you’re healthy through and through.

Reason #2 – Professional Cleaning and Polishing

Sure, brushing and flossing regularly at home is a great start if you want to have a healthy smile, but your dentist really goes the extra mile with professional cleanings. Using high-grade toothpaste and an electric brush, your dentist and the dental hygienist will get at those hard-to-reach spots and really bring out the best in your smile.

Reason #3 – Close Examination of Your Teeth and Gums

In addition to using advanced diagnostic tools, dentists will also do close checks of your teeth and gums with their own eyes and special tools. This will allow your dentist to check for poor tooth alignment, issues with gum recession, and any other telltale signs of a dental problem.

Reason #4 – Planning Out Future Treatments You Will Need

If the various checks reveal a cavity, gum disease, or a more advanced issue like a TMJ disorder, your dentist will then be able to plan out the right treatment to restore and/or enhance your dental health. Only the experience and training of a dentist will lead to this kind of essential care.

Reason #5 – A Chance to Speak with a Dental Health Expert

The one-on-one interaction with your dentist is a major reason why you should visit your dentist twice a year. If you have any concerns about your dental health that aren’t readily apparent through x-rays, the dental visit is the time to bring it up. Sense some odd movement in your jaw? Let your dentist know. Having persistent bad breath? Voice that concern. Communication means next-level care.

This goes two ways, of course, Your dentist will also be able to provide you with tips for improving dental wellness during your visit. This may mean recommending products or even suggesting new ways of brushing, flossing, and caring for your smile. This kind of personal attention just can’t be matched by brushing and flossing alone.

Speak with Our Dental Care Team About Your Treatment Options

For more information about getting the general dental care treatments that you need when they’re needed most, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. Downtown Dentist look forward to meeting you in person and making sure that your smile looks its very best and is as healthy as it can be.